Temporary Main Branch Closure

Main Branch Closure

October 15, 2024

To our patrons and community members:

The Main Branch of Nelson County Public Library will open to the public on October 30th for normal business hours.  On October 29th, from 4 to 6 pm, the public is invited to join us as we reveal our new Bookmobile.  

While our physical location is closed, the book drop will remain accessible to patrons to return any library materials and we will remain committed to serving our community. No overdue charges will accrue during this time.

While closed, the following services will be available:

  • Online Resources: Our digital library, including e-books, audiobooks, movies, music and online databases, will remain accessible 24/7 at ncplky.org
  • Off Site Programs: We will continue to offer some programs, at alternate locations. Check website for more info.
  • Alternative Locations: The New Haven and Bloomfield Branches will remain open at this time with access to wifi and computers.

We understand the inconvenience this closure may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to restore our facilities. The Nelson County Public Library has always been a cornerstone of our community, and we are committed to reopening as soon as possible.

Michael Greenwell

Nelson County Public Library


Meeting Room Policy


  1. The Nelson County Public Library operates three locations. The main library in Bardstown has two (2) large community rooms, one (1) conference room, and one (1) study room. The Bloomfield and New Haven branch libraries each have one (1) meeting room available for use for programs sponsored but the Library, Library Board of Trustees, and other appropriate and lawful meeting of City or County governmental agencies. The use of the meeting rooms is intended to further the Library’s mission as stated in the Library Bylaws, which read in part as follows; 

    1. To assemble, organize, preserve, and make easily available significant Library materials which will provide stimulation, education, and recreation for all citizens of the Community: and keep the public constantly away of Library services available to them. 

    2.…[T]o stimulate the flow of ideas among all groups in the Community. 
    See, Nelson County Public Library Bylaws, Article II, Library Objectives 

2. Educational, civic, cultural, political and religious groups may use the meeting rooms if they or their spokesperson agree in writing and in advance of the use of the meeting room to follow all rules and regulations established by the Nelson County Public Library for the use of the Library and for the use of the meeting rooms, by controlling Kentucky Revised Statutes, by applicable federal laws, and by applicable City and County Ordinances and Regulations, including but not limited to occupancy limits posted in each meeting room. The Nelson County Public Library does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, political affiliation or disability. The meeting rooms shall be available to all groups or individuals who have open membership and similar non-discrimination policies. 



  1. The Nelson County Public Library has priority over use of the meeting rooms and shall schedule said rooms for Library events or functions at its pleasure. Other organizations, groups or individuals requesting use of an available meeting room shall be scheduled on a first come first serve basis. 
  2. Public meeting room use does NOT constitute Library endorsement of the beliefs, policies, or ideas expressed or of presentations made by organizations, groups, or individuals using the meeting rooms. Any advertisement, announcement or other printed or broadcast materials used by any organization, group or individual either prior to the meeting, during the meeting or after the meeting shall not name the Library as a sponsor and shall clearly state that the Library does not endorse the beliefs, policies or ideas expressed or of presentations made by organizations, groups or individuals using the meeting rooms. 
  3. All publicity connected to the use of a meeting room shall clearly state the full name of the organization sponsoring the meeting and the true purpose of the meeting. 
  4. Neither the name nor the address of the Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of any organization, group or individual using a meeting room. 
  5. No admission fees and no administration fees shall be charged or donations solicited or accepted during the use of any meeting room except for fees for conference programs or educational courses which are sponsored by the Library or by appropriate City or County government agencies. No fee shall be charged by the Library for use of a meeting room. 
  6. No person attending an event sponsored by any organization, group or individual using a meeting room shall be requested or required to record his or her name or any other personal information as a requirement of attendance at the program except for events sponsored by the Library. 
  7. All programs held in any meeting room shall be open to the public without reservation or qualification of any kind. 
  8. No goods or services shall be sold and no solicitation for the sale of goods or services shall be allowed in the meeting rooms or anywhere on Library premises except by the Library or appropriate City or County government agencies. 
  9. The Library Director shall have the right to cancel a scheduled event for any meeting room at any time if an emergency meeting by such entities as the Library Board of Trustees, Civil Defense, Homeland Security, etc., becomes reasonably necessary and use of the meeting room is required. 
  10. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages and / or controlled illegal substances is strictly prohibited during use of any meeting room, unless consumption of alcoholic beverages is specifically approved in writing by the Library Director prior to the use of the meeting room. 
  11. Every application for permission to use a meeting room must be signed by a responsible adult. Meetings of juveniles are allowed, but the juvenile attendees must be supervised by an identified responsible adult at the ratio of one adult for every twelve juveniles or fraction thereof. 
  12. The Library Director, his or her designee, and/ or Library staff shall have the right to enter any meeting at any time for any reason or for no reason. 
  13. Every application for use of a meeting room shall include an agreement that the Registrant and each person attending the meeting or using the meeting room and Library facilities during the meeting does hold the Library, its employees, Board of Trustees, Agents, heirs, and assigns, and City and County Government harmless and does indemnify same from any and all claims, causes of action, demands, suits, fines, penalties, attorney fees, court costs, or judgments, arising from injury of any kind suffered or claimed as a result of using the meeting room or Library premises, and such a waiver and hold harmless agreement shall be executed prior to use of the meeting room and Library facilities. 
  14. Programs involving the sale, advertising, promotion of commercial products, goods or services, or programs sponsored by a business entity, regardless of purpose, are prohibited. Programs involving workshops or seminars regarding financial, estate or retirement planning are considered “for profit” ventures, and, therefore, are prohibited. 
  15. Use of meeting rooms for social gatherings, including but not limited to family reunions, baby showers, birthday parties, dances, and the like, are prohibited. 
  16. Meeting rooms may be used by any particular group, organization or individual not more than one time per month on the average unless deviation therefrom is approved in writing by the Library Director. 
  17. The Library shall not be held accountable for any loss arising from use of a meeting room. The Library shall not be and is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage caused or alleged to have been caused to any equipment, supplies, personal items, or any other item(s) brought to the meeting or used by any of the attendees at said meeting. 
  18. Any group, organization or individual using a meeting room shall agree in writing in advance of the use of the meeting room to refund the Library for any reasonable cost of repairing damage of any kind caused to either the meeting room or Library premises resulting from the use of the meeting room, and the costs of repairing damage or replacing goods not repairable shall be made within a reasonable time of demand for payment by the Library Director or his or her agent. Any court costs or attorney’s fees expended by the Library in attempting to collect said damages shall be the sole responsibility of the group, organization, or individual executing the application for use of the meeting room. 
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